Whoever created this is just sick. Isn't the taser enough? Did they really had to make something that can "taser" a whole area?
For lazy readers, that article was about a new weapon made for the US army. It's a box that sends out radiation waves that give the human body a "tasered" feeling. So imagine a radio only it's causing everyone around it to experience endless pain unless they get far away. The worst part is it leaves no evidence! Bush can use this to torture our "enemies" and there wouldn't be any proof he did it. What would happen if this weapon went into terrorist hands?
I bet Jack would think it's awsome.
O yea, it was pretty funny seeing that kid being tasered by the police.
It's funny because the kid got what he deserved. That was his own camera filming that event so he set up the entire scene just to get some attention. Still the police didn't need to use tasers...